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Meshtastic - Your own private mesh network

2021-03-23 #Blog | #Meshtastic

Did you ever ask yourself, how to build a reliable and secure mesh network, which works without Internet access and gives you complete freedom and privacy in order to exchange messages in a secure way?
By searching for answers and technical possiblities around the #LoRa technology, I came across the #Meshtastic project. The project is complete #opensource, comes with a great community, Android app and supports several #LoRa GPS boards like the TTGO T-Beam or the Heltec LoRa 32. The smartphone communication to the meshtastic mesh node happens via bluetooth. The sender will send the message. The mesh node will use the #LoRa band in order to communicate with the mesh nodes, in order to deliver the message to the recipient using the app and bluetooth.

This is a really cool project. I can highly recommend to have a look at it.

